Have you ever had a real chocolate truffle?
The answer may surprise you

A Little About Our Product
A true chocolate truffle has a ganache center (heavy cream and chocolate etc.) and unfortunately only has an official shelf life of three weeks (although they can be kept frozen for several months). Many Commercial brands, however, have swapped the heavy cream for coconut oil in favor of a longer shelf life. But, in doing so they have sacrificed flavor, texture, quality, and "mouthfeel." In fact, mass market truffles are so different that they are technically classified as a "melt away." I refuse to make this sacrifice. I take pride in making quality chocolate truffles by hand using traditional methods. I also take pride in having a product that my cousin, who is deathly allergic to peanuts, is able to enjoy. If I ever add any sort of nut to my product I will only do it when I have the luxury of separate space and equipment to ensure that there is no cross contamination. And as Chocolate Truffle Creations expands, I have no intention of automating the process. I have an excellent product.