President's Club 2020 Race
Welcome to the Traditional Mortgage President's Club Competition. Click the button below to view the current standings.
Welcome to the Reverse Mortgage President's Club Competition. Click the button below to view the current standings.
Looking for the Reverse Mortgage race? Grab a frozen cocktail and click on the switch below.
Looking for the Traditional Mortgage race? Grab your beach towel and click on the switch below.

Prize information
April 5th through April 9th, 2020
- "We had it all
- Just like Bogey and Bacall
- Starring in our own late late show
- Sail away to Key Largo"
Bungalows Key Largo
An all-inclusive, adults-only luxury resort in Key Largo, Florida.

Stay tuned for updates about the prize for this year's competition.
President's Club Competition Rules
The top branch and top two LO's in each category (traditional and reverse) will qualify for admittance to the 2020 President's Club, assuming they meet the qualifying criteria below. Only one branch manager and/or producer may qualify for each place. Each branch qualifies independently (no accumulation across multiple branches). If a branch manager or producer has already qualified in one category, additional winners will be chosen by moving down the respective list to the next person who has not yet placed. Additionally, the top dual channel LO in total units (traditional and reverse combined), which meet specific qualifying criteria (see below), will also join the club.
Traditional LO's - minimum qualifications to reach by the end of the year:
- Branch: $21MM minimum volume to qualify for Top Volume
- Branch: 125 units minimum to qualify for Top Units
- LO: $11MM minimum volume to qualify for Top Volume
- LO: 66 minimum units to qualify for Top Units
Reverse LO's - minimum qualifications to reach by the end of the year:
- Branch: $5MM minimum volume to qualify for Top Volume
- Branch: 25 units minimum to qualify for Top Units
- LO: $3.6MM minimum volume to qualify for Top Volume
- LO: 18 minimum units to qualify for Top Units
Dual Channel - minimum qualifications to reach by the end of the year:
- 1. At least 18 total loans closed
- 2. At least 6 loans closed in the secondary channel
Dual Channel Competition through December
Day or night - these folks are hustling - never leaving a good loan type behind.
Showing only LO's who met both of the dual channel minimum qualifications

1. Rick Brooks

2. Sheena Naylor

3. Akbar Ireland
Current Presidents Club Members
These captains of the mortgage industry navigated their customers toward home ownership and home equity conversion, and wound up in the Dominican Republic themselves.